Michael Andrew Collins: Writer

Awards and Nominations

Winner of the Foundation Commission from Australian Theatre for Young People

Body Farm: Nominated for the Griffin Award

Winner of the Spring Arts Literary Award from the Arts Council of Mansfield, Victoria
Furthest West: Nominated for the Patrick White Playwrights’ Award
Furthest West: Nominated for the Silver Gull Playwriting
Winner of the Peter Klemm Memorial Prize for the Most Outstanding Communication and Cultural Studies Graduate from Curtin University

Winner of the Astrid Jackson Award Maj Monologues Competition

Winner of the John Morrison Award from the Fellowship of Australian Writers (Victoria)

Selected Theatre Credits

IMPENDING EVERYONE, Australian Theatre for Young People. Writer. Dir. Fraser Corfield.

BODY FARM, Hayman Theatre Company. Writer. Dir. Will O’Mahony.

MY FATHER’S WORLD, The Blue Room Theatre. Writer/Director.

ANKLES Performed at 600 Seconds, Home Open, and Short and Sweet Sydney and the Philippines (2014). Writer.

GOD ON TAPE, Maj Monologues. Writer. Performed by James Helm. Dir. Michael McCall.

WHEN WE WAKE, The Clap Your Hands Collective. Director and Co-Writer.

Selected Theatre/Short Fiction Publications

Impending Everyone—Playlab.
Old Air –SALA Short Stories 2015. P
Pizza –Voiceworks Issue 100, To & Fro.
Wool – Voiceworks Issue 92, Thing.
The Life of Marcel Alvarez: How Accurately We Represent the World – Sitelines. Vol 9. Number 2, 2012
Table –Voiceworks Issue 90, Copy/Paste.
Pinwheel –Voiceworks issue 82, Technicolor.
Test Sequence 290 –Sitelines Vol 8. Number 2. 2011.

Education and Training

2016-Present: Diploma of Language Studies (Arabic), University of Sydney
2014-2015: Master of Fine Arts (Writing for Performance), National Institute of Dramatic Art.
2010-13: B.A. (Honours) Communication and Cultural Studies, Curtin University. Major in Creative Writing. Studied under the Elizabeth Jolley Scholarship for Creative Writing.

ABN 90 633 716 257
POST The Valhalla, 203/166 Glebe Point Rd, Glebe, NSW 2037
TEL 02 8386 8245
EMAIL info@libertyartistmgt.com.au